In order to achieve a successful website for child care, you need to inform parents of the children, about your daycare center. It is important to describe the age groups you are taking care of and the education you are providing their child. Photos of your daycare center is an important aspect of your daycare website design. Many of our past customers in the childcare industry, have provided a parent handbook describing rules and frequently asked questions by parents. Parents can download a PDF or it can be all placed on a separate parent resource page.
Your childcare website design should include a way for parents to contact the center. Parents of the daycare or potential Mom and Dad's, should be able to even view their child via in house camera's. This isn't necessary , but if you have the technology we can implement it on your website. Another page of your website that is usually important is the nutrition and meal schedule. Parents find this informative so they know what their child is eating on any given day.
Another important part of your website will be the employment pages. Here teachers and assistants can apply to work for your daycare facility. We understand the turnover that occurs in your niche, and want to make it easy for people to apply.
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