You are probably in the beginning stages of deciding which company or website developer to use for your business website. You will be enticed by ads or companies offering websites for under $1,000. Just like everything in life, you get what you pay for. The reason most of these sites are inexpensive is because they are quick to make and the developers (usually) aren't coders. These developers use the tools given to the them by the Wordpress platform. When development is stuck within the bounds of a proprietary software and plugins, you are limited. This maybe confusing to you, but lets dive in deeper and make this easier for you to understand why you shouldn't use Wordpress for your business website.
The Wordpress platform is used by millions of websites. If a security hole can be found in one website, most likely it can be found in a lot of other Wordpress websites. It is a great security risk to use Wordpress as hackers target these kind of websites. The last thing you want is your website to go down on your business day or have corrupted content within your pages. Wordpress hackers can add other businesses products or corrupt your domain to point elsewhere with malicious code.
In order to compete on Google, Yahoo! and Bing, you must adapt to SEO changes. With Wordpress it is hard to change code and optimize the already done for you platform. Site speed is important and besides optimizing images you have little control over your code, css and javascript that make up your website. A good SEO optimizer will tweak every aspect of your website and Wordpress makes it hard to do so.
Wordpress uses a lot of plugins for developing a website, the more plugins that are used in a websites code, the slower the loading speeds of your pages. These plugins are usually coded improperly without optimization in mind. Unskilled developers will choose plugins that conflict with other plugins and this will significantly reduce load times. The browser has to process each plugin, make sense of all the code jumbled together and then take the time to display it. What a nightmare!
Mentioned before, plugins are how Wordpress websites function. Plugins are usually coded by third-party developers not linked to Wordpress. Wordpress plugins have a tendency to break, this can be because they work well individually. When another plugin is installed with others they can conflict. Plugin updates can cause a plugin to crash, the author of the plugin may forget about it if it does break. Now that you know that plugins make up most of the website, if one (or more) crash, you don't have a working website. You don't want to deal with these problems do you?
Having a Wordpress website means you have to pay attention to updates. Just like your operating system (Windows, Mac OSX, iOS or Android). Every couple months or so Wordpress releases security updates and fixes. You have to spend time fixing these problems and updating your website. As a business you don't want to waste your time worrying about this. You want to spend your time doing what you are good at. With every update there is a chance that the update will cause issues to your website. The updates could be conflicting with plugins and crash the site, which is then more cost to the business to fix.
As a business you want your website to stand out from the other companies you compete with or in the area you are doing business in. Wordpress developers pick templates from the same catalogue as competitors developers do. When you develop a website with AldoMedia, we develop a unique template for your industry and make you stand out from the crowd.
You want a website to be built around your business needs, you're the owner and your website should be working for you not against you. Using a Wordpress website, you would have to slot in with their restrictions, however if you have AldoMedia build a website for you, it is built around what your business requires.
Wordpress is a good solution for personal websites, but it is not recommended for business websites. Business websites need a secure, fast and optimized solution. You don't want your business website to crash and you want to make sure it competes with the best of your competitors. This is why you need a professionally coded website with AldoMedia, LLC. Make an appointment today.
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